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Photography and Display Workshop - Developing Room |
Photography and Display workshop, sponsored by the Developing Room Working Group. This workshop aims to take stock of profound changes in the collecting, archiving and—most importantly—exhibition of photography. Prominent initiatives such as the Museum of Modern Art’s Object/Photo have explored ways in which photographs can be foregrounded as unique materials in display, rather than mere surfaces for images. Simultaneously, archives, galleries and museums have brought sustained attention to vernacular photographic forms, such as 19th-century studio portraits and 20th-century family snapshots. Exhibitions and initiatives based on this material have asked how vernacular photographs can be chosen and displayed in a critical and useful fashion. The event will gather a panel of curators, conservators, and scholars to take stock of these developments in photography’s display. Participants: Mitra Abbaspour (Princeton University) Katherine A. Bussard (Princeton University) Lee Ann Daffner (Museum of Modern Art) Kaitlin Booher (Rutgers University) Nicole R. Fleetwood (Rutgers University Donna Gustafon (Rutgers University)
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